Contact Us

Contact Us

Find out how our friendly team can help.
Simply submit the form or call us on 03 6332 8600 and we will contact you soon.

The People Project Head Office - Launceston

37 Frederick Street, Launceston TAS 7250
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5:00pm
Free parking for clients is available at the back. Wheelchair accessibility is available from the front and back of the building.
See our office space

The People Project Office - George Town

72 Macquarie Street, George Town TAS 7253
By Appointment
Free parking is available on Macquarie Street and Anne Street. Wheelchair accessibility is available from the front of the building.

Hearing or Speech Impairment?

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment:

  1. Contact us through the National Relay Service
  2. Give the number you want to call.

For more information visit Accesshub

Have an invoice?

If you need to send us an invoice please email it to:

Submit a compliment or complaint

The People Project team actively seeks the input of participants and stakeholders, both positive and negative to continuously improve the services we provide.

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